A Stupendous Program For Getting The Time In Words When We Input Hours And Minutes
string timeInWords(int h, int m) {
map<int,string> mp{
{21,"twenty one"},{22,"twenty two"},{23,"twenty three"},{24,"twenty four"},
{25,"twenty five"},{26,"twenty six"},{27,"twenty seven"},
{28,"twenty eight"},{29,"twenty nine"},{30,"thirty"},{31,"thirty one"},
{32,"thirty two"},{33,"thirty three"},{34,"thirty four"},{35,"thirty five"},
{36,"thirty six"},{37,"thirty seven"},{38,"thirty eight"},{39,"thirty nine"},
{40,"fourty"},{41,"fourty one"},{42,"fourty two"},{43,"fourty three"},
{44,"fourty four"},{45,"fourty five"},{46,"fourty six"},{47,"fourty seven"},
{48,"fourty eight"},{49,"fourty nine"},{50,"fifty"},{51,"fifty one"},
{52,"fifty two"},{53,"fifty three"},{54,"fifty four"},{55,"fifty five"},
{56,"fifty six"},{57,"fifty seven"},{58,"fifty eight"},{59,"fifty nine"},
//Iterator for pointing to string of minutes
map<int,string>:: iterator min=mp.find(m);
// Now pointing an iterator to string of hours
map<int,string>:: iterator hour=mp.find(h);
//min is pointing to the string version of the Minute and hour to the string
version of the Hour
//Checking if minute is 0
return hour->second+" o' clock";
//Also if minute is 15 that's a corner case where putting a different condition
is needed
return "quarter past "+hour->second;
//Same with case when minute is 30
return "half past "+hour->second;
//Now that we dealt with some corner cases we know that the minutes are not
equal to them if we have come to this part of the code
//Therefore dealing with the rest default cases
if(m>0 && m<30){
return min->second+" minute past "+hour->second;
return min->second+" minutes past "+hour->second;
//Iterator pointing to the string of the next hour which we will r
map<int,string>:: iterator next_hour=mp.find(h+1);
//Again dealing with the corner cases between 30 and 60
return "quarter to "+next_hour->second;
//Finding the difference of the minute from 60 to use it afterwards
int diff=60-m;
map<int,string>:: iterator itr=mp.find(diff);
//Dealing the default cases
if(m>30 && m!=59){
return itr->second+" minutes to "+next_hour->second;
//A special case for 59
return "one minute to "+next_hour->second;
/* Most probably we won't reach this part of the code if the input
* is valid
/* But if we do by the grace of some malicious user then we will return simply
* "buzz"
return "buzz";
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