Data Structures Using Python

Some Data Structures Using Python. In Linked List the concept is same just the
difference is that we are not manually managing the memory from heap like in cpp
but it's an advantage of Python that we don't have to worry about the memory
management and also that is a problem in Cpp and C as that many times leads to
memory leaks and also Cpp and C are vulnerable to bufferOverflow attacks due to
''' Queues Using Arrays-Date- 5th November 2022 '''
class queue():
    def __init__(self,size):
    def isFull(self):
            return True
            return False
    def isEmpty(self):
            return True
            return False
    def enqueue(self,data):
            print("Queue is Full!")
    def dequeue(self):
            print("Queue is Empty!")
    def __str__(self):
            return "Queue is Empty"
        print(f"self.f is {self.f}")
        for i in range(self.f+1,self.r+1):
        return " ".join(ls)
def main():

if __name__=="__main__":

''' A simple Tree- Date- 5th November 2022'''
class node():
    def __init__(self,data):
class tree():
    def __init__(self,node):
    def __str__(self):
        global ls
        def preOrderIn(root):
            if(root is not None):
        return " ".join(ls)
    def preOrder(self,root):
        # The base condition is root as None
        if(root is not None):
            print(,end=" ")
    def inOrder(self,root):
        if root is not None:
            print(,end=" ")
    def postOrder(self,root):
        if root is not None:
            print(,end=" ")

''' Traversal Algos '''
def preOrder(root):
    if(root is not None):
        print(,end=" ")
def inOrder(root):
    if root is not None:
        print(,end=" ")
def postOrder(root):
    if root is not None:
        print(,end=" ")

def main():
         /    \
       23      40
      / \      / \
    123  100  7  50
    # Making a new Tree(t1)

    #     print("\110\145\154\154\157")
if __name__=="__main__":

''' Linked Lists in Python-Date- 4th November 2022 '''
class node():
    def __init__(self,data):

class linked_list():
    def __init__(self,head_node):
    def __str__(self):
        while(temp is not None):
        return " ".join(ls)
    def insert_begin(self,value):
        # Make new_node point to head_node, that's it
        # new_node is now the head_node of the linked list
    def insert_end(self,value):
        # A temporary node for traversal in the linked list, pointing to the head_node
        # Traversing to the end node of the linked list
        while(temp.next_node is not None):
        # Now we are at the end node of the ll
    def insert_pos(self,pos,value):
        ''' pos is based on 1-based indexing: 1st elem will be 0th elem(acc. to 0 based indexing) '''
        for _ in range(pos-1):
        # New_node will point to the next node of temp   
        # Now we have to insert in the next position of the temp pointer

    def print_list(self):
        while(temp is not None):
            print(,end=" ")
    def del_end(self):
        while(temp.next_node.next_node is not None):
        print(f"{} deleted from the end of the linked list!")
        # Orphaning the last node, it is in the memory but no more in the linked list
    def del_front(self):
        print(f"{} removed from the linked list!")
        # Making the new head_node to remove the first node
    print("Is this printed?")

def print_ll(a):
    ''' Optional Function to print a linked list '''
    a: head_node of any linked list
    while(temp is not None):
        print(,end=" ")
def main():
    # Printing a list using the dunder str method
    # Manually inserting a new_node in the linked list, at the first position
    # If we manually insert a node in the linked list, then the size will be wrong
if __name__=="__main__":


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