Program to convert a Roman Numeral into a Decimal Number

 Date:- 9th December 2022, Python Lab.

The code for getting the number of digits shows the two ways to get the output, the second function uses the len function and shows how easy it is to do things using functions, and the first one shows a traditional way of approaching the same problem.

def convert(str):
    def getNum(st1):
        if (st1 == 'I'):
            return 1
        if (st1 == 'V'):
            return 5
        if (st1 == 'X'):
            return 10
        if (st1 == 'L'):
            return 50
        if (st1 == 'C'):
            return 100
        if (st1=='D'):
            return 500
        if (st1=='M'):
            return 1000
#         if(st1=='-'):
            return None

    curr = 0
    while (num<len(str)):
        if (num+1<len(str)):
            str2=getNum(str[num + 1])
            if (str1 >= str2):
                curr = curr + str1
                num = num + 1
                curr = curr + str2 - str1
                num = num + 2
            curr = curr + str1
            num = num + 1
    return curr

''' To get the number of digits in a decimal number without using any function
    like len() '''
def count(num):
    return coun
def count1(num):
    return len(str(num))


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