Starters 84 Contest - Codechef

The Contest was really interesting and the best part of today's contest was that there was no problem with the Questions like any Case that would be normally a mistake from the Creator's part, and even there was not problem with the Server today, which was really a headache from the last few times in the Contests of CodeChef. 

Overall the Problem Statements made me go to the Brink of Thinking and to fully make my Brain to get its shoulders to wheel after, a not so easy day,(not to mention the Tirades of lectures that I had to go through today that almost ate my whole soul). Well, the best part is that I had finished all the problems except the 7th one that was like a whole different level, I mean 2^60, what kind of a Constraint is that huh? And even if we cannot go iterative ok fine, but then we have to find the number of Triplets, really?? Leaving that Question I think most of the Questions took just around 10 to 15 mins on an average, leaving the "Max Count of 1" Question that I had submitted in the last 20 secs of the Contest and hell my luck it got Accepted, after that last idea and try. 

The Problem Statements and the Codes I will maybe upload tomorrow, or maybe not, or maybe yes ;)


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