Level Of nodes-gfg

The today's POTD was somewhat related to yesterday one in terms of the approach that was required although I felt like tackling the previous one was quite confusing and much more challenging than this one.

Maybe that's bcz I got a fair idea of the depth of this logic from the yesters prob. 

Overall I just made a logical error while assuming that in whichever level I get the X vertex, that level will be the final answer, but I missed that we'll have to go another edge to finally get to the X vertex, but overall this problem took me somewhat 15 minutes, logical and coding part combined.

Although in the starting I was gonna go in a really drastic approach of confusing this with the level-order traversal of Binary Tree but the prob that would have arised with that is that this is a similar looking but yet completely different stuff, here I am not gonna get any functionality of just 2 child nodes... cause there are no nodes here, neither is there any boundations of how many neighbours a vertex can have.

Overall if someone is experienced with the adjacency list(not sure if I should even say an adj list, cause here they didn't even give the edges, but gave the neighbours, maybe a "NEIGHBOUR ADJ. MATRIX") provided in prob then it's only gonna be about the visualisation part and the concept of having a visited list just like the one in Prim's Algo.

Yeah, job done ;)

Trying to keep my codes as simple and self-explanatory, cause I need to work on the naming conventions as well as the code prettiness.

Because I was just focussing on the logic part so decided to go with python cause I didn't wanna complicate things unnecessarily with C++, that's just too much stupid syntax.

Problem Statement:-

Given an integer X and an undirected acyclic graph with V nodes, labeled from to V-1, and edges, find the level of node labeled as X.

Level is the minimum number of edges you must travel from the node 0 to some target.

If there doesn't exists such a node that is labeled as Xreturn -1.

Example 1:


X = 4

We can clearly see that Node 4 lies at Level 2.

Example 2:


X = 1
Node 1 lies at level 1, immediate after Node 0.

Your task:
You dont need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function nodeLevel() which takes two integers V and X denoting the number of vertices and the node, and another adjacency list adj as input parameters and returns the level of Node X. If node X isn't present it returns -1.

Expected Time Complexity: O(V)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(V)

1 ≤ E ≤ 104
 adji, j < V
 < V
Graph doesn't contain multiple edges and self loops.

Code Implementation:-

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
    #Function to find the level of node X.
    def dfs(self,adj,visited,X,curr_vertex,curr_level):
        # Now this vertex is visited
        # exploring the vertices that we can go from this vertex
        # Here adj[curr_vertex] is a list which contains the negihbours
        # of the vertex curr_vertex
        for i in adj[curr_vertex]:
                # I am getting the desired vertex at the curr_level vertex,
                # means X is gonna be at the level curr_level+1
                return True
            # If this vertex is not yet visited, then explore this, if returns true
            # then just return true, means we got the ans somewhere later
            if( visited[i]!=1 and self.dfs(adj,visited,X,i,curr_level+1) ):
                return True
            # if this vertex doesn't lead us to the desired X vertex then
            # I'll have to explore further vertices too
        # if there is no possible path from curr_vertex to X vertex, then
        # we are gonna be here and will return False
        return False
    def nodeLevel(self, V, adj, X):
        # code here
        # so that I don't take the ans of the previous Test Case
        # To store which vertices are visited till now, if the vertex
        # is visited then its index will have 1 else -1
        visited=[-1 for i in range(V)]
        # Starting to go to the depth from the 0th vertex at 0 level

        return self.ans


  1. This one is more interesting and more complete, really liked it! I would just give the constructive criticism that, if I were you, I'd avoid using abreviations like "bcz" in a blog. Though it is not a formal paper, I am not sure if that sounds so good outisde of a Whatsapp conversation. But that can be only my opinion... Thanks for bringing it, anyway!


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